Is it My Responsibility to Help the Widows and Orphans?

Everyone must have come across this phrase a few times in the Bible, because its occurrence is quite frequent. It is mentioned in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament (James 1:27, Psalm 68:5, Isaiah 1:17 &1:23, Jeremiah 49:11, Zechariah 7:9–10, Leviticus 23:22 to name just a few). The use of these terms creates an impression that taking care of orphans and widows is part of certain religious or moral obligations....

March 4, 2024 · 5 min

Why Pastors Struggle to Ask for Help (And How to Get Past It)

Pastors have a unique position in the church. They are expected to have all the answers, provide comfort, and lead their congregation, while still going through their personal struggles just like any other human being. However, pastors often find it difficult to ask for help, even though doing so would be beneficial to their spiritual well-being and the growth of their ministry. Let’s discuss the reasons behind this struggle and ways to overcome it....

March 3, 2024 · 3 min

Guilt and the Great Deception in the Christian Life

Two powerful forces in our lives are guilt and deception. Both can play a significant role in the Christian life. It is not uncommon for many who come to Christ to find their journey filled with moments of great struggle with both of these foes. Inevitably, these two forces will be encountered as we grow in our walk with Christ. However, the process of discipleship and growth into spiritual maturity can often illuminate our path in the way these adversaries oftentimes function....

March 2, 2024 · 4 min

Why Are There So Many Ideas about Heaven That Are Not Biblical?

Since the beginning of time, human beings have wondered about the afterlife. With the rapid spread of Christianity over the centuries, what Christians believe about the afterlife has become a central issue for many. As various ideas about heaven have been formulated, many of them fall outside of what the Bible actually teaches. This article will explore possible reasons for the development of non-biblical ideas about heaven. Cognitive Biases Overconfidence The overconfidence bias may contribute to inaccurate notions of heaven....

March 1, 2024 · 3 min

4 Keys to Building Confidence in God When Life Falls Apart

As I’m sure you know, life is full of ups and downs. It is riddled with times of triumph as well as utter heartbreak. I have walked through a valley as dark as death. In this experience, one of the most important things that I learned was how to build confidence in God. In this article, I am going to share with you four keys to this process during some of the most difficult circumstances you may face....

February 29, 2024 · 7 min

9 Lessons for New Christians ... And Old Ones

In the evangelical world there are loads of books, resources, and web pages dedicated to new or curious seekers with topics such as "What to Expect when You Start Following Jesus," or "The ABCs Of Becoming A Christian," etc. Many are great. However, there are fewer materials geared toward seasoned, but sometimes stumbling, followers of Christ. In my own life journey, I've found a strange thing; I never run out of questions....

February 28, 2024 · 7 min

Why Should Christians Evaluate What Their Lives Are Built On?

We must ensure that our lives are built on the solid foundation of a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ and not on shifting or faulty ground. It's an important question to contemplate. Thinking deeply about the foundations of our lives is a powerful means of maintaining a clear focus on what truly matters in our walk with God. It enables us to re-evaluate and re-adjust our priorities, recognizing whether we're living in line with the teachings of the Bible....

February 27, 2024 · 6 min