Why People Are Losing Their Religion (and How the Church Can Respond)

In recent years, there's been a growing trend of people moving away from religious belief. In the West, particularly, the demographic statistics suggest that a large number of millennials are leaving their religious upbringings behind. There are many factors at play, but I'll focus specifically on four key issues that lead to this "religious disaffection," along with proposals for what the Church can do about it. The four key issues can be described as follows:...

March 14, 2024 · 6 min

How to Actually Treat Other Believers Like Family

Within the body of Christ, we are called to consider other believers as members of our family, siblings in the Lord. This call to treat one another accordingly can be an intentional effort to take on, aided by the grace of God and a biblical understanding of what it means to act "like family." Let's unpack these principles in more detail, so we can put them into practice in our churches and personal lives....

March 13, 2024 · 4 min

Why the Church Should Take Responsibility for Its Liberties and Freedoms

The role of the church in a democratic society is often debated. Some see the church as solely a spiritual place, advocating for moral or biblical principles in the public sphere. Others argue the church should remain separate from politics, and limited to preaching and religious worship. However, Christian influence on public freedoms and liberties is also significant, albeit not as obvious. Therefore, the church should take responsibility for its part in shaping and preserving liberties and freedoms that underpin a well-functioning democracy....

March 12, 2024 · 3 min

Why Do Christians Emphasize Hell Instead of Not Being with God in Heaven?

It's not uncommon to hear Christian preaching and discussions that emphasize the severity of hell. Many may wonder why the focus is there instead of avoiding the notion of hell altogether or, alternatively, placing more weight on God's love and the blessings of a place like Heaven. This question particularly arises from non-believers seeking to dismiss an apparent "lack of love" in Christianity. This article explores why hell, and by extension, its avoidance, is a relevant teaching for believers....

March 11, 2024 · 3 min

Why Christians Can Be Bad at Being Kind

We hear the phrase “God is love” (1 John 4:8) and, as Christians, we should strive to embody His compassion, but sometimes we fall short of that standard. In this article, we will look at what can cause us, as followers of Jesus, to be bad at being kind, so we can understand how to improve. Self-Righteousness One of the main pitfalls for Christians that hinders us from displaying kindness is our tendency toward self-righteousness....

March 10, 2024 · 4 min

One Key Reason Why Church Consultations Fail

I want to explore a primary reason why church consultations don’t always produce the outcomes desired. I have had the privilege of working with many churches across the nation in helping them clarify their purpose and focus on reaching people for Jesus Christ. This has allowed me to witness a variety of approaches, successes and failures. Through this experience, one significant key to the success or failure of these strategic meetings has become clear: What makes church consultations thrive or falter is the extent to which all the key leaders of the church become unified and cohesively committed to the process....

March 9, 2024 · 4 min

What Does Jesus Teach Us about God's End-Times Plan?

We all want to know what the future holds, and there are various "prediction" industries that cater to our curiosity. Since time immemorial, people have speculated about the end of the world and have eagerly devoured any new theories that crop up. It is also common for people to look to religious teachings for answers. When it comes to Christianity, what does Jesus teach us about God's "end-times" plan? This question is complex....

March 8, 2024 · 6 min

How Should Christians Approach Progress in Technology?

As technology advances at a rapid pace, it seems that many of life's facets are being fundamentally altered. This has lead some to question how Christians should approach the progress in technology. For a Christian, it is important to remember our central purpose and hope: Christ and the Gospel. Therefore, the question of how we should handle technological development should be a question of how this progress serves us in fulfilling our mission while not leading us into sinful behavior....

March 7, 2024 · 3 min

The Good and the Bad of Christian Fundamentalism

There is no doubt that many people have formed strong and sometimes extreme opinions about Christian fundamentalism. This is often due to the popular press labeling fundamentalists as a homogeneous group focused on fire and brimstone. However, as with any large organization, there can be found a myriad of opinions within this group. Some may focus on literal interpretations of scripture while others may have a more nuanced understanding of their faith....

March 6, 2024 · 5 min

Self-Care: Selfish Habit or Holy Endeavor?

"Self-care is sometimes mistaken for a selfish habit. In reality, it is a holy endeavor." Just as the incarnation of Jesus Christ revealed God's great love for humanity, it is within the realm of human self-care that we also see the hand and heart of our Creator. But what does this truly mean and how can we strive to integrate care for self more fully into our everyday lives? The Great Divide For some, self-care may sound like indulgence, apathy or the antithesis of kindness and concern for the world outside of themselves....

March 5, 2024 · 4 min